Asset Preservation Solutions for California
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Conserving Family Assets Symposium
"THE Asset Preservation Company" . Since 1994
Medi-Cal Asset Preservation

*APS has saved over $20 Million for California families facing Long Term Care issues, since 1994!
*The average APS client preserves over $100,000, that would otherwise have been lost to long term care costs.
*Medi-Cal planning has saved millions of dollars for Californians, with loved ones in nursing homes!
*Save the Family Home! Preserve the Family Nest Egg!
*Success rate for plans is unsurpassed!

The new year 2007 limits for Medi-Cal eligibility are:
* Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA): $101,640.00
* Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance (MMMNA): $2,541
* Thirty month lookback: Still the standard for gifts!
* Call us to see how the imminent regulation changes will dramatically alter what is allowed!
* Average Private Pay Rate increase means more options for families.
* Share of Cost Planning and debt allocations mean less in outlays for the family!
* Court petitions mean more security for Well Spouse.
* State-of-the-Art strategies mean sucessful planning for the family and less worry.
* Strategies proven throughout the state.
Family security and peace of mind maintained.
* Don't be confused by conflicting IRS and Estate Tax rules! Let us lead your family through the maze and safely to the other side.

Senior Planner, William G. Chaddock, has an MBA in Financial Management, over 30 years of Banking, Insurance, Securities, Real Estate, Management, Trust and Conservatorship experience, and has been responsible for developing the proprietary formulas, used in the strategic planning, for asset preservation. He is acknowledged around the state as an aggressive and thorough planner, with an unblemished success rate for planning and preserving family savings.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. For more information on Federal Medicaid Rules

For more information on Nursing Home Ratings, Medical Planning Strategies, and Attorney Referrals

Home Solutions Success Stories Key Points FAQ
Conserving Family Assets Symposium

Medi-Cal Asset Preservation