Asset Preservation Solutions for California
Key Points You Should Know About Medi-Cal Qualification and Planning
Medi-Cal Asset Preservation

Medi-Cal patients are, by law, treated the same as private pay patients. However, when it is your family member who is in the nursing home, you will want to interview the facility before placement and stay vigilent after.

APS California assists clients on a flat fee basis, influenced by the amount of work required to achieve activation of the Medi-Cal case. Existing clients have found the fees to be extremely low in comparison to the money saved from the family estate.

Medi-Cal regulations are extensive and multi-faceted. But the client must also realize that there are more considerations than just the Medi-Cal qualification to consider.

There are possible tax ramifications, to the actions taken. There are issues related to recovery, of the benefits paid, on behalf of the family member, who receives Medi-Cal. APS California understands these various issues and is prepared to navigate through all the red tape and provide a result that is the most rewarding, to the client and their family, both now and in the future. Many clients have trusted APS California, all over the state, and have been satisfied with the result they received.

Changes in the current regulations are imminent, to bring the state into compliance with federal regulations. APS California is prepared to bring your family through these changes, when they occur. We have plans in place to ensure that your family nest egg will be preserved!

IMPORTANT! APS California planning techniques have always been, and will always be, found to be in compliance with current state regulations. We will not employ techniques that are suspect or underhanded. We don't ever try to "fool" the state. We use only the regulations, as we are allowed, to benefit you, our client, and your family. This is our promise to you.

Call us regarding information on upcoming seminars or for a private consultation.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. For more information on Federal Medicaid Rules

For more information on Nursing Home Ratings, Medical Planning Strategies, and Attorney Referrals

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